Hamilton County Hazard Mitigation
Plan click HERE
What do you know about your county’s hazard mitigation plan? Well, we happen to know where you can learn more! Join the Hamilton County Department of Emergency Management in partnership with New York State’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services and the University at Albany’s AVAIL laboratory as we draft the Hamilton County
Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Mitigation Plan (HMP).
The draft plan is located at https://hamilton.mitigateny.org/ And please tell us about your experience with natural hazards and your thoughts on how best to manage those hazards by taking the public participation survey.
Thanks in advance for taking the survey! You are contributing your part to make your community safer!
Questions can be sent to: availabs@gmail.com.
Emergency Services Manager: Timothy O'Neill, email
EMS Coordinator: Jon Wilcox, Email
Fire Coordinator: Sean O'Brien, Email
For Emergency please use: 518-548-6111 (Sheriff's dispatch)