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 -  Supervisors' Conference Room at the Lake Pleasant Courthouse, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
Meeting with Board of Elections to discuss acquisition/replacement of county voting machines and any other business that may come before said committee. 
 -  Supervisors' Conference Room at the Lake Pleasant Courthouse, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
Meeting with Tracy Eldridge to discuss the 2025 proposed budget and any other business that may come before said committee. 
 -  Supervisors' Conference Room at the Lake Pleasant Courthouse, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
Carole Ruiz, Personnel Officer, to Discuss Employee Handbook Changes and Civil Service Updates. 
 -  Supervisors' Conference Room at the Lake Pleasant Courthouse, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
Discuss Potential Community Impact Litigation
 -  Supervisors' Conference Room at the Lake Pleasant Courthouse, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
To Discuss 25-year Retirement Plan and 911 Routing for Cell Phones. 
 -  Supervisors' Conference Room at the Lake Pleasant Courthouse, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
Tracy Eldridge, Highway Superintendent, to Give Update on Projects, Budget for Repairs and Discuss Promotion Request. 
 -  Supervisors' Conference Room at the Lake Pleasant Courthouse, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
Marsha King Purdue, District Attorney, to Discuss Salary Issues
 -  Supervisors' Conference Room at the Lake Pleasant Courthouse, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
Due to a lack of quorum, the Board of Ethic's meeting previously scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 10th has been rescheduled for today at 1PM in Lake Pleasant. 
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